Well, the world is going to hell, or at least it feels that way. I’m going to talk a bit about COVID19, but first, for your social distancing, I’ve got a lot of stuff you can read for free.
Reaver #1 (Just a single, alas) Urban Animal https://www.webtoons.com/en/super-hero/urban-animal/list?title_no=1483 That’s currently about eighteen issues worth of Urban Animal there. And, like, hundreds and hundreds of comics on Webtoon generally. Breaklands This one is conditionally free, unfortunately, but if you have Amazon Prime, Kindle Unlimited or Comixology Unlimited you can read the first trade for free. Get it on AMAZON HERE. I also posted this on my Facebook page, if you want to share this. COVID19 Generally, I like to keep this whole thing fairly light, but I’m going to talk a little about this. It’s bad. Both the disease itself and the consequences of. On one hand, if we just let the Coronavirus spread, and we assume that we end up with 20% of Americans infected, then that’s 72 million infected. If we assume an optimistic, based on available numbers, 10% hospitalization number, that’s 7.2 million people in the hospital. And if we assume 1% mortality, which is South Korea’s rate, that’s an additional 700,000 dead people. Even if that’s spread out over a year, it’s going to have some catastrophic effects on the country. Which is why we’re not just letting it roll across us without action. But the flipside is that our economy and our country are not really up to the impact of us locking down for weeks or months. Our system is fragile. So barring something unexpected turning in our favor, this is going to be a hard year. Not many of us have the option of locking down our lives. I largely do, and I’m fortunate there, but it really is important to try and keep the spread down and try to keep the world ticking. My Cat As a palate cleanser, here’s my girl