And, generally, it’s gone pretty well this week. The spec script was a little creaky at the start but I’ve gotten into the groove and it hasn’t been nearly as much of a grind as the last one.
It’s also more or less on pace lengthwise. I actually hit the end of act one exactly where the Breaking Bad pilot does, pagewise.
Given that the last spec’s first draft ended up being literally twice as long as it’s supposed to be, I was pretty happy about that.
I suspect this one is going to run long as well, but I think I can streamline some of the existing conversations, and there’s two scenes I can probably pull out – I think they make the story richer with them, but with some work I can pull them out and have the plot hang together.
So that’s good.
I also did nine pages of a pitch for a new crime comic, and they turned out really well. Aside from being interesting all on their own, they also do what I want pitch pages to do – they establish tone, character, and have a hook to make people want to read more.
I also think I might have cracked a flaw in another project, as well, so all in all a good week.